Statement of Faith Concerning
Christian Healing
As the church in service to Jesus Christ, we seek to stand within the historic traditions of Christian healing as revealed to us in the Old and New Testaments.
We worship a God whom we trust desires healing for his entire creation.
God offers healing holistically, addressing people in all their circumstances as he nurtures and restores us in a multitude of ways.
We seek to follow Jesus Christ as he guides us to those in need of healing.
We trust the Holy Spirit to work through our ministries as God initiates restoration for those experiencing brokenness in all its forms.
We pray God’s healing will be offered to those who are enduring physical duress or mental illness, undergoing medical intervention, seeking recovery from addiction, restoration from abuse or injustice, and searching for new meaning in their lives.
While we pray for relief from that which causes suffering, and release from those ailments that overtake our minds and bodies, we accept that the healing God offers may not be entirely recognizable at first.
So, we continually look for healing through forgiveness of our sins, relief from grief, the mending of relationships, and release from all forms of oppression whether that be physical, mental, or spiritual. We also identify healing with the return of peace, renewed participation in the Body of Christ (his church), and the strengthening of faith.
(Adapted from the statement designed by the healing team
of the Wakefield Baptist Church, Wakefield, Rhode Island.)